terça-feira, 17 de agosto de 2010


Eles não se cansavam de amar, cada segundo uma caricia, cada beijo um olhar, cada olhar um desejo, um desejo de querer estar mais perto, um desejo de que os corpos se tornem um só. tanto êxtase, tanta paixão, um prazer estonteante. eram um só enfim, eram calor, era pecado, mas era amar. se admiravam, se olhavam e se sentiam. parecia um banho de luxúria, tão lépido, e as palavras lhes saiam das bocas como que nem conseguiam sentir. soavam como sussurros e gemidos, eram carinhos, era prazer.

"Turn the lights off in this place, And he shines just like a star, And I swear, I know his face, I just don't know who you are, Turn the music up in here, I still hear her loud and clear, Like he's right there in my ear, Telling me that he wants, To own me, to control me, Come closer. And I just can't pull myself away,Under his spell I can't break, I just can't stop, And I just can't bring myself no way, But I don't want to escape, I just can't stop, I just can't stop.I can feel his on my skin, I can taste his on my tongue, He's the sweetest taste I've seen, The more I get, the more I want, He wants to, own me, he says: “Come Closer".

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